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Monday, March 28, 2011

On spacemen, strippers, pregnancy and Twitter

New blog entry:
140 characters: a little . . . or a lot?

  • I gotta deliver something to Mordor. Anyone bored enough to join me? Pro: hot elf chick action likely! Con: burnination likely. #sauronsucks

  • Hate my life. Hate the Capital. Hate the Hunger Games. Hate the thought of sister in the Games above all. #fuvmcapital #iwillcutyou #diehard

  • I'll freeze and/or starve and/or soak in a bikini for a month. On national TV. It won't be fun, but #amilliondollarsisalotofmoney, haters.

  • Don't give them water. Don't feed them after midnight. Look, I'm telling you this for a reason. TWO SIMPLE RULES, K THX. #dontcomecryingtome


  1. Haha, these were all awesome!! It's like a movie or book in 140 characters or less.

    Angela @ The Bookshelf muse

  2. This really cracked me up!!! LOL!
    Thanks for sharing! :D

  3. Thanks, Angela! I keep hearing folks saying, "What the heck can you do with 140 characters?!" My internal response is always to figure out what 140-character tweets the speaker might be interested in. If only my own tweets were half as interesting! :p

    Thanks, Monica! I spent most of my earlier life being so somber I relish a chance to make up for it now. Heh.
