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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Willful characters!

New blog entry:
I'm the boss, guys.

Abigail: yo, u there?
Jacob: I’m here. If I weren’t, my status would show it. UNLIKE YOU.
Abigail: whatevs. i got bigger things to think about. UNLIKE YOU.
Jacob: My soul! You’ve crushed it!
Abigail: suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure
Abigail: anyway i have a favor
Abigail: u free tom.?
Jacob: Tom? Who’s Tom?
Abigail: haha. u suck. but i need a fave, k?
Jacob: Your wish is my command, if it’s both reasonable and practical.
Abigail: can u take me to eugene tom.? and a friend?
Jacob: Take you to Eugene, then to a friend’s? Sure.
Abigail: omg. stfu noob. can u take me n a friend to eugene tom.? pretty pls?
Jacob: You make wanting to do you favors so enticing.


  1. love this back and forth. love all the play on words. convos on the net make for some very comedic entertainment! i laughed out loud at the Tom? Who's Tom? bwahahaha...very cute!

  2. Thanks! It was my first time writing an IM exchange and I had so much fun! A small part of me was grumbling at my protagonist that Jacob wasn't even supposed to exist, but mostly it was a heck of a lot of fun to "listen in." I hope that's not the last such IM exchange I'll be writing in my WIP . . . the characters will tell me soon enough! ;)
