JULY 21, 2011
I proclaimed myself done with Comic Con 2011 before I’d even picked up my badge.
Navigating the madness sans stroller is difficult enough for a space- and speed-loving introvert. With stroller? Such a person is apt to curse the darkness of the human spirit and wonder why she ever believed the best of people.
Still smarting from close encounters of the stroller kind, I was in grumbly mode as my friend Elsha, my son and I (st)rolled up to our first intended panel of the day: Oh, You Sexy Geek. In better circumstances, I might have stayed for the panel. As it was, I eyed the short line warily, prompting Elsha to say, “If you’re really not into being here, we can just go check out Hugh.”
“Oh, yes, let’s!” I told her, though the words might have accidentally come out sounding like: “Get me the f$%@ out of here!”
Once removed to the fresh air, the world felt full of wonder again. As I mentioned here, most of my Hugh Jackman/Real Steel encounter actually ended up being shark-and-Slurpee time. I was happy to be experiencing something so very Comic Con sans the oppressive crowds and artificial lighting of the convention center.
Those guys inside? They didn’t get to see police officers riding the shark. Of course, the upside of this is that they didn’t see me riding the shark, either:
While many men would gladly have swapped places with Li’l D, my son was disappointed that hisshark encounter involved a motionless shark.
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