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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

FTIAT: Annual Kite Flying Day

Reneé (Lessons from Teachers and Twits) writes such lighthearted, fun entries, it’s startling the first couple of times you read her comments and realize her entries reflect but a small portion of an enormously complex, enormously beautiful soul. A teacher to the core, in almost all her words can be found a lesson.

One of the lessons contained in this entry is perhaps the most powerful to carry through rough times: the hardest lessons learned are also the ones that most illuminate the joy of what follows.

Recommended post: Lessons from Eight Junes

Annual Kite Flying Day

One August, a man that I loved tried to kill me.

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1 comment:

  1. hey Debs - my hair is a sort of a cherry/plummy red colour, it's really hard to describe!!! I hope that helps.
    Not sure whether you can get xxl live color in america but there's a colour called 47 Plum Perfection which is pretty close to my hair colour! :)

